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Assasins Code Page 5

  We settled down on the padded shooting mats and I handed Jules the spotter’s scope.

  “So what do I do with this?” she asked while turning the scope over in her hands.

  “Look down range and tell me where I’m hitting the target, if we were outside you’d be telling me range, wind speed and direction” I said.

  “Oh, ok” she looked through the scope, “wow this is pretty powerful”

  I loaded the rifle took aim and fired my first shot. “A little low and to the right”

  “I need measurements, best guess is fine” I sighed.

  “Oh sorry, I’d say an inch low and an inch to the right”

  I made a fine adjustment on the scope while Jules watched me closely, my next shot rang out “Bulls eye almost, a cunt hair low” I adjusted the scope again and fired once more.

  “Bullseye” I fired the rest of the magazine in rapid mode.

  “Holy shit, your pretty good at this” she exclaimed.

  “Practice, practice, practice, it’s like any skill it takes time to master” I said with my serious face on.

  I handed her the rifle “Your turn, now you need to understand this weapon was custom made for me, so you won’t be hitting any bullseyes but don’t lose confidence. I’ll take you to see my armourer soon and he’ll make you your own rifle”

  She leaned over and kissed me hard, “You’re the best boss ever” I ran a hand up her leg and squeezed her arse “And don’t you forget it”

  She wriggled a bit then set herself to fire her first round was surprisingly close “Two inches down three inches right, don’t adjust the scope just shift your aim slightly” I said, I had just dialled in the weapon and didn’t want her changing the settings.

  She did as I said and was soon hitting close to the bull, well until I stuck a finger in her pussy, “Hey no fair”

  “A good assassin has to be able to function with distractions” I said while I continued to fiddle with her pink bits.

  She continued shooting until she came with a squeal and her magazine was empty I hit the button to retrieve the targets “You have a knack for this, you could end up being better than me” I said while I licked my fingers.

  “Pervert” she said while she straightened her kimono.

  “Come on baby lets go for a swim” at the pool Sam was lazing about in the shallow end.

  “Aw, he’s cute” she said making kissy faces at Sam. He just lay there as regal as any king.

  I pulled her kimono off and jumped in the pool with Jules in my arms.

  Later as we were lounging around on an air bed in the middle of the pool after I had satisfied my unnatural lusts once more. She asked “Hey I meant to ask, why do you have wooden stakes in your armoury?”

  “Vampires” I shrugged.

  She sat up, nearly spilling us both back into the pool “Please tell me your fucking kidding” she shouted.

  “Sorry honey, something you need to get used to, occasionally you’ll be called on to exterminate a rogue supernatural it’s part of the job” I said.

  “Holy fucking shit, vampires, wait you said supernatural’s are there more?” she asked.

  “You remember that pretty girl who was licking your pussy earlier?”

  “Yeeaaah” she stretched that out a little concerned at what I was about to say.

  “Well she’s a panther shifter, there are also wolves, bears and maybe even squirrels for all I know” I said smiling at my friend.

  “Is that all” she said her eyes were bulging now.

  “Nope there are also Fae, minor demons and angels, though I’ve never been asked to pop an angel I think there on our side”

  “Sweet Jesus what have I gotten myself into?” she said with a little panic starting to show in her eyes.

  Just then Roxy strolled in and started stripping down ready to join us “Het sweet heart, do me a favour and show Jules your pussy”

  She pointed between her legs “The other pussy dumb arse”

  She grinned at me then was surrounded by a bright glow, then Roxy disappeared and was replaced by a very large black panther.

  “Shit, she’s fucking huge” she was trying to crawl over the top of me to hide on the other side.

  I paddled over to the side of the pool where Roxy was sitting on her arse and washing her face. I pulled Jules out of the pool and dragged her over to Roxy “First lesson in the supernatural, panthers retain most of their humanity when they change, unlike wolves who are mostly animals when they change”

  “Ok” she was still trying to hide behind me.

  I pulled her round in front of me and took her hand then laid it on top of Roxy’s head “She knows your scent so she will never hurt you, I think she likes you better than me anyway” I said. Roxy let out a grunt then started to purr as Jules stroked her between the ears.

  “Wow, she’s so soft” she bent down and gave her a hug.

  Suddenly Roxy changed back to human and wrapped her arms and legs around Jules “Ha, got you now” as they started rolling around in the grass.

  Later Roxy jumped in the pool to cool off and play with Sam, I led Jules to the elevator with the rifle under my arm “What are we doing now” she asked.

  “All tradesman need to know how to take care of their tools, guns need cleaning after use or they could fail due to a jam or something more catastrophic” I said.

  Most people don’t clean their weapons after every shoot, I consider it part of taking care of business.

  Once we arrived in the armoury I laid the rifle on the bench and pulled my tool roll out of a drawer.

  “The first and most important step is to confirm the weapon is unloaded, you wouldn’t believe how many people have been killed by guns they believed were empty”

  “Kinda obvious really” she said with an eye roll.

  “You’d think so but look at the statistics online some time, people shoot themselves all the time when cleaning their guns” I pulled out the magazine jacked the loader and showed Jules the empty chamber.

  Next I showed Jules how to dissemble the gun and lay the parts out to ease reassembly.

  I picked a single piece cleaning rod off the shelf over my bench and a tin of cleaning solvent, I attached a piece of cloth to the rod and sprinkled some solvent on it before running it down the bore “Now we let the solvent rest so it can soak in to the carbon and crap”

  “Ok” she said.

  “While we wait we clean all the other components with a soft cloth” I started wiping everything down with a microfiber cloth. I used a small brush to clean the chamber. I attached the cleaning brush to the rod and ran that down the bore, then another dampened cleaning cloth then a dry one. Finally I gave the barrel a layer of gun oil then put it all together before wiping off the excess oil.

  I held it out to Jules “And that’s how a good tradesman takes care of his tools” I said.

  “That actually looked kinda fun” she said.

  “Don’t worry I’ll talk you through the next one” I said.

  She gave me a hug and we went upstairs to the kitchen for dinner with Roxy.

  Turns out Jules was a pretty good cook, so after a fine meal I pulled Jules into my lap and grabbed my laptop. “So what are we doing now?” she asked.

  “Well I’m copping a feel” I started playing with her tits. “you are looking at our next job” I brought up the first file. I loved the way she wriggled whenever I touched her naughty place.

  “How many targets are there?”

  “Twenty, we get paid fifty thou for each so we collect a cool million bucks for this one job, as my apprentice you get twenty percent so your cut is two hundred grand”

  She gasped “That’s like four times my current annual wage” she said excitedly.

  “All in a single nights work, and as thanks to your generous
boss you will no doubt wish to buy some sexy undies” I said with a twinkle in my eye.

  She hugged me and we kissed and fondled for a while “This so exciting” she said.

  “I can tell, your nipples are really hard” I was rolling one of them between my thumb and forefinger.

  “Ok where do we start?” she was wriggling again.

  I sent the file to the printer “Follow me baby”

  I led the way over to collect the pages then over to the wall “By laying it out like this it makes it easier to see the overall job” I said as I pinned each page to the wall.

  “Ok, I guess we start on the first page?” she asked.

  “Yepp, as you can see the first bullet point tells us the basics of the job” I pointed the section “We’ll be hitting a gang of rapists, they raped a rich guys daughter and left her bloody and bruised in a park”

  “Filthy fuckers” she said with vehemence.

  “I have done more to clean up this city than the whole police force over the years” I said proudly.

  I pulled her in front of me and wrapped my arms around her “Any second thoughts so far?” I asked.

  “Fuck no, are we sure their guilty?” she asked. “the courts normally have to make the call on that”

  “My way is cheaper in the long run, these idiots have been bragging about this on anonymous social media accounts, unfortunately for them my pimp Joshua has traced the accounts back to four of the gang members”

  “Good enough for me, what’s the name of the gang” she was squinting at the page while I fingered her mercilessly.

  “Los Chicos Locos or The Crazy Boys, very dramatic I’m sure” I said with a huge eye roll.

  “Ooh I’m all types of turned on now” she said with her own eye roll.

  “I can tell” I said as continued feeling her up.

  She was breathing quite heavily now “What’s the next section?”

  “Method, in this case he’s out for revenge so it’s loud and painful, plus he wants to be the one to pull the trigger we just have to set it all up for him”

  “Sounds fair, how do you do loud and painful?” she asked, she was getting close to another orgasm so I focused on her for a couple of minutes till she collapsed back against me.

  “Gods you’re a bastard” she gasped.

  I kissed her neck “Well without sending in a bunch of shifters in to eat them all alive which would cost me some of my profit the best way is death by fire”

  “Yeah that sounds painful, how do we set this up?”

  “First step is to scout the location, their hold up in an abandoned school house, so I’ll send in a crawler drone to check it out”

  “Ok, what’s that?” she asked.

  “It’s a modified toy I bought online, it looks like a large spider, I added a micro cam and transmitter, and I boosted the range. The thing is reasonably quiet and can pass unnoticed even if someone spots it they’ll just throw a shoe at it and run screaming, I think kids buy them to scare the shit out of their parents, the little shits”

  She giggled, “When do we go in?”

  “Tonight they’ll party till around three then crash, best time for a quiet visit, I need to count how many rooms their using for sleeping so I know how many bombs to buy”

  “I thought you said we were using fire” she said.

  “We are, the bombs will freeze them but leave them aware and capable of feeling the flames” I said.

  “I’ve never heard of anything like that” she said.

  “We’ll visit a witch friend of mine who I think can knock these up for us” I replied.

  “Oh crap witches as well, does she have warts and a pointy hat?”

  “No but she has really nice tits and is a demon in the sack” she elbowed me in the ribs.

  “You really are a dog aren’t you” she said in an exasperated tone.

  “Life is to be enjoyed, I take my pleasures wherever they present themselves”

  “Come on let’s get some sleep before we start work tonight” we collected Roxy and headed down to the bedroom. Before we went to bed I called Cynthia and let her know I’d be dropping by around four am, witches kept odd hours and didn’t need a lot of sleep. So it wasn’t a big deal for her.

  Chapter Twelve


  I woke the girls up around two am, Roxy was not well pleased to be woken up and was hissing and spitting at me for ten minutes till I told her we were going to visit the witch. She calmed down straight away and hustled over to her closet and put some clothes on, not a lot of clothes mind you but at least she made some effort.

  She was also clutching a small bag overflowing with sex toys and lube, Jules went over to have a look and started rummaging through the bag. “Ooh this looks like fun” she held something black long and seemingly with a life of its own. I shuddered, something’s men were not supposed to see.

  We went up to the kitchen for a quick breakfast of cereal and then up to the garage to load my truck. The girls helped me load two large propane tanks and a pair of older model barbeques in the back. Newer models had an auto shutoff for the gas if the flame went out, these didn’t.

  I’d already been to the armoury and collected the crawler drone and an igniter. The igniter was a simple device I had made myself out of three arc lighters stripped down and attached to a remote actuator. The whole thing was embedded in thermite so the evidence would be destroyed as is my custom.

  We pulled up outside the school house a little before three, the music was still blaring and the lights were still on so we had to wait for a while before I could send in the drone. We had time for some cramped sex which was always fun, a half hour later with Roxy still in my lap and Jules cuddled up to my side the music stopped and the lights started to go off.

  I gave it another ten minutes for the drugs to drag them all into the land of nod then deployed the drone next to my car. I sent it scuttling across the road and into the school, there was a long corridor with doors on each side I peeked into each room and soon had a count of eight rooms full of gangbangers, the kitchen and washrooms were obviously unused in a long time but the place was full of empty pizza boxes, taco wrappers and Chinese food containers.

  I brought the drone back to the truck and we drove off to Cynthia’s place. Cynthia was waiting at the door as we climbed out of the car I introduced the girls who were all over her in seconds. “No I can’t, please stop” Cynthia said.

  “What’s the matter honey?” I asked.

  “The council said I have to be celibate for a year as penance” she said with obvious distress.

  “Like fuck” I shouted as I pulled out my phone, I dialled Fangster my contact at the council, as soon as he answered I started shouting at him “what the fuck is this celibacy bullshit?”

  “Ahh, Mr Sampson, I am glad you called” he snickered into his phone.

  “Come on needle dick what gives?” I asked in a bit of a tone.

  “I apologise for the small deception, but I needed you to call me, this seemed like an expedient method”

  “So the celibacy thing was a ruse?” I had the phone on speaker and the girls had Cynthia spread out on the kitchen table and were going at it like drunk college girls. I was busy trying to undo my pants one handed and finally set the phone down on the table to speed things up.

  “Again apologies for that but I needed you to contact me” he said.

  “What, did you lose my number?” I asked.

  “I am being monitored quite closely, I could not have any links between us” he said.

  Crap this was sounding dodgy as fuck “Where do you want to meet?” I asked.

  He mentioned a time and place but I planned on being balls deep in one or more pretty girls at that time so we changed it to the next day.

  I hung up and got busy pounding Cynthia across h
er kitchen table.

  Much later as we all relaxed in Cynthia’s large bed I asked her “Can you make me some freeze bombs baby? I need the marks to be awake and able to feel pain but unable to move or scream”

  “Yes that’s a common spell, I can put it into a grenade type device, will that work?”

  I kissed her quite firmly and continued feeling her up “That will be perfect, how much will ten of these cost me?” I asked.

  “Keep that up and it will be free” she gasped as her orgasm fast approached.

  “Nonsense, witches normally get paid a thousand dollars an hour for their work, so keep track of how long it takes and I will see you get paid” I said as she shattered into a hundred pieces.

  An hour later she had gathered herself together again and got up to earn the food money, Roxy looked up from her snooze and asked “Hey where’d that pretty witch go?”

  “She’s working, leave her alone” I started working the twins to distract her.

  Chapter Twelve


  We spent the entire day in bed getting up only long to eat and shit, two am eventually rolled around and I rousted Jules out of bed leaving Roxy to molest Cynthia while we worked.

  We pulled up outside the school around two thirty, all was quiet, apparently the rapey gangsters had gotten an early night. We climbed out of the car I had a bag full of stasis bombs over my shoulder, I handed Jules a gas mask from the back of the truck and we went over to the school.

  Inside we donned our masks and crept to the first room, I pulled out the first bomb and showed Jules how to use it, I wrapped the end of the string around my finger then threw the bomb through the door. As soon as the string went taught the bomb made a low woomf sound as it detonated.

  We peeked in the room, three gangbangers were in the middle of arse fucking and blowing each other. They were looking at us with a great deal of panic in their eyes. I gave them a friendly wave and we moved on.

  Grinning Jules eagerly grabbed another bomb from the bag and we went to the next room on the opposite side of the corridor.

  It didn’t take long to freeze all the dickheads and we went back to the truck to wheel the propane tanks in on a trolley, we set the tanks at each end of the corridor and collected the barbeques. The object of all this was to make it look like death by stupidity, something the police had no problem believing when dealing with gangbangers.