Assasins Code Page 4
“It’s in the steering column, you need to wait for him to sit down then. . .” I made an exploding gesture with my hands.
She grinned happily at me, “You need to stop watching cartoons you old fool” she grinned at me. We sat there waiting while the mark stood up from inspecting the underside of his car, yeah he knew his days were numbered. Finally he put the key in the lock and opened the door, he was visibly cringing as he did this. Then he stepped away from the car and pulled out his phone.
“What is this bastard doing” asked Roxy with a snarl.
“Don’t worry baby, it’s all as planned, he is most likely calling one of his minions to start his car, he knows he’s been marked for extermination so he’s not taking any chances.
This is why I use remote detonators, it cuts down on collateral damage”
“Are his minions bright yellow? Ooh I hope it’s the one with only one eye” she sulked while we waited for his minion to arrive, he eventually showed up and was instructed in what was needed. I thought he might refuse at first but eventually climbed in the car and turned the key, I could see he had his eyes shut the whole time.
He opened his eyes after the car started, he smiled at his boss then fucked off home, no doubt quite happy not to have been blown up. The boss was staring at our van with a great deal of suspicion then suddenly flipped us the bird, probably thought we were the feebs or something, we both flipped him the bird back, he finally sat down in his car and closed the door, probably getting ready to go off and buy some spaghetti.
I looked at Roxy and said “Whenever you’re ready you bloodthirsty bitch”
Grinning happily she stabbed a finger down on her phone and the mobster’s upper body disappeared in a cloud of blood and bone. “Let’s go home and celebrate” she was grabbing at my crotch and smiling wildly. Roxy was a top level predator and extreme violence made her a bit horny.
“Sorry sweet cheeks we need to wait for the excitement to die down before we can leave, if anyone sees a van drive off after an explosion like that we’ll be number one on the suspects list” I laid down on the small bunk and Roxy jumped on top of me already half naked.
A half hour later I heard a pounding on the door accompanied by someone rattling the door handles, I was pounding Roxy from behind so chose to ignore the interruption. A couple of hours later everyone had fucked off for celebratory donuts so I dressed and drove home with Roxy snoozing in the back.
After I changed the plates on the van then carried Roxy down to the kitchen for some food then down to my room for sex.
Chapter Nine
Roxy had left for work when I finally woke up so after my morning routine of groaning scratching and washing Roxy’s scent markers off me I headed for the kitchen to feed Sam his cornflakes and myself a tasty mushroom omelette.
I was perusing the latest e-mails as I ate, the first one was a twofer, a pair of dirty cops in the main precinct. One was the Captain and the second was a senior defective. Hmm killing cops is never to be taken lightly, I sent the files to the printer and finished my brunch.
I pinned the pages to my murder wall and stood back to think, the Captain had his own protection detail, he was smart enough not to use his own cops as they all hated him. In fact it was the police under his command that had commissioned the hits. He had hired a private security company to supply his guards and these fuckers were notorious for having a somewhat fucked up moral compass. I figured these guys would have been happy to provide protection for old addled Adolf if he had of asked.
Sadly the one thing these guys weren’t was incompetent, this one would be tricky at best deadly for me at worst. I decided to do this one from a distance, an assassin drone would do the job and keep my arse at a safe distance. The head detective would be relatively easy, I planned on making this one look like a gang initiation hit. This had the added advantage of bringing some heat down on the punk arse gangs, I hated these parasites with a passion.
I went down to the armoury to collect the tools of my trade, first I pulled a drone from the cupboard and sat it on the workbench. I had ordered a dozen different models some time ago for testing, I had settled on this model as it was whisper quiet and could carry a single shot zip gun and an extra camera easily.
I loaded a three inch shotgun shell into the pipe and screwed the trigger mechanism back into place, I left it uncocked for safety. I was using a hypersonic shot which was loaded with 000 buck a truly devastating ammo.
I adjusted the gun and its attached camera so it was pointed straight down, I was going for a head shot that would avoid all the protection he surrounded himself with.
I set that aside with its control unit that I had modified with a larger screen and a split screen view for both cameras. Next I pulled a twenty two calibre pistol with an attached suppressor down from the wall and sat that on the bench.
This was a preferred pistol of mobsters as it would penetrate the skull then rattle around inside shredding the thinking component of the mark. It was also often used as the gun of choice for gang initiates to use on their first hit as it was cheap and disposable.
I loaded a magazine of solid shot into the handle and strapped on a fast draw shoulder holster before slipping the weapon into place. I pulled my spy glasses from a drawer and placed those in my jacket pocket along with one of my collection of police badges.
Ready to roll, I stopped in the kitchen to send Joshua an e-mail, I had decide to give the cops a discount as I considered this a public service job. There was no way any coppers could have paid my fees on their government pittance so I assumed they had rolled some drug dealers for the cash. This was corruption that I had no issue with as considered drug dealers’ parasites as well. Except for my dealer in Jamaica, who was a fine upstanding fellow of impeccable credentials.
I hopped in my old split screen corvette and roared up the ramp. I was going to nail the Captain first then hit the detective immediately afterwards, it was close to sunset so the Captain would be getting ready to go home soon. I drove to the station house and parked a couple of streets away and readied my drone. I cocked the zip gun then held it outside the window while I activated the four motors with my other hand.
The drone started to hover so I flew it over the buildings and set it down opposite the precinct to keep watch on the door. His detail was already gathered outside so I knew he wouldn’t be long. He stepped out of the front door and was immediately surrounded by his detail, he had that smug look on his face that overpaid coppers with nothing to fear usually wore.
I flew the drone over top and checked the second view I adjusted the position until it was directly over his head then hit the trigger. His head and shoulders disappeared and he fell to the ground. The protection detail all had their weapons out and were looking around frantically for a target but I was safe around a couple of corners so they were wasting their time. I watched for a few minutes more until they decided to vacate the crime scene and they all fucked off to find another job.
I flew the drone back to my car and landed it on the back seat before starting the car and driving to the dive bar the detective visited every night. I was familiar with this bar although I had never been inside. It was a hangout for low level crims, smash and grab artists, pickpockets and other assorted parasites of the underworld. I guess he felt at home there among his own kind.
I sent the drone across the street from the bar to keep watch and put my spy glasses on, these had a backward facing camera and a tiny screen on the left lens so I could watch my six. A half hour later the detective staggered out the door of the bar and started towards where I was parked, I climbed out of my car and set the alarm then started round the corner.
The copper was watching suspiciously with his hand in his coat, I nodded to him as we passed and mumbled something too low for him to hear. I saw from my camera he was watching me over his shoulder but as soon as he turned around I spun
on my heel and pulled my gun. I put two rounds in the back of his head and he collapsed twitching to the ground, I went back and put three rounds into his back to make it look more amateurish then strolled back to my car checking all around for witnesses As I went.
The coast appeared clear so I drove home carefully sticking to the speed limit all the way. On the way I decided to skip cooking and stopped at the diner for one of their fabulous burgers and a side of fries.
I took my pistol and drone sown to the armoury for cleaning and storage, I stripped the pistol down and tossed the barrel into the acid vat. Then I emptied the shell capture bag into the acid as well. The acid would remove any finger prints or skin cells that might have stuck to them. I would dispose of both in the river next time I crossed the bridge into the city.
The bag was a simple cloth sack that attached over the ejection port, while forensics normally looked for bullet striations they also had a database of firing pin impressions, due to the increase in availability of semi-auto pistols recently.
As soon as I had put my pistol together with a new barrel I put it back on the wall and joined Roxy in bed, as I snuggled up behind her I realised she was spending a lot more time at my place than usual. Best I check the closet in the morning in case she had been slipping more of her clothes in when I wasn’t looking.
Chapter Ten
In the morning after my stretch, groan and scratch I checked my closet, yep she was moving in. I wasn’t really concerned but decided to give Roxy some grief just for shits and giggles.
I poked her in the boob, she slapped my hand away and growled at me “Let me sleep, I’m exhausted” she stretched in the sexy way of big cats everywhere.
I decided on a quick fuck before we started the third degree, as I lay slumped on top of my girlfriend with my face between the twins I looked down at her “So when did you decide to move in?”
She started looking a bit guilty “I lost my apartment, is it ok?”
I gave her a thorough kissing “I’ll need extra sex to make up for the inconvenience” I said as I stroked her from head to toe.
She rolled me onto my back “I suppose I can do that” as she started pounding me into the mattress.
As we lay there enjoying the afterglow she said “You know I love you, you silly human”
“I love you too you silly kitten” I responded, she started to purr and went back to sleep.
A couple of hours later we got up for lunch “Any work today?” I asked.
“Two bookings later this afternoon, plenty of time” she said.
An hour later we were in the kitchen just finishing lunch, I was looking at Roxy’s swinging titties and considering bending her over the kitchen table when I received an alert from my security system. With a sigh of disappointment I pulled my laptop over and opened the external security feeds. There was a cop car parked on the ramp and a policewoman scuffing at the dirt no doubt trying to figure out where the big bad assassin had gone.
I went up to the garage level and waited till she was in front of her car, I pushed the button to drop the ramp and her car started rolling down into the garage pushing the lady cop in front of it. She was facing the car by now and trying to stop the car from rolling over her. I strolled up behind her and plucked her pistol out of her holster.
She spun around and poked me with her tits, I grabbed her by her blouse which made an interesting shape out of her tits I pushed her back and down into my old swivel chair. “So princess what brings you to my home?”
“You’re the guy that shot Detective Smithers” She announced.
I snickered to myself, I wonder if he collects Barby Dolls as well.
“How do you know that?” I asked.
“I was watching you when you killed him, I was trying to get evidence to put him away” she replied.
“Sorry about that but your fellow officers paid me to end him” she gasped at the news.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” she exclaimed.
“Sorry sweety, they were sick of him and the Captain dragging down their stats” I said.
“So you’re some sort of assassin?” she asked.
“Perhaps, or maybe just a concerned citizen” she snorted at that. “so how did you find me?” I asked.
“I followed you home” she said.
“You must be pretty good I had no idea you were behind me”
“Best in my class” she said with a grin.
“The question now is what do I do with you?” I sighed.
She started looking a bit worried “Are you going to kill me?” her lip was trembling.
“I don’t kill honest cops” she started to relax “but I may have to have your recent memories wiped”
“What, you can’t do that, can you?” she was starting to look a little panicked again.
I knew a vampire who could do that without raising a sweat but she probably didn’t want to hear about my vampire friends.
Just then Roxy strolled in “Hey Bill I’m off to. . .” she stopped as soon as she saw the police woman in the chair “ooh pretty” she hustled over and plonked down in her lap. She immediately unbuttoned her blouse and stated playing with her tits while she nuzzled at her neck.
The cop was really starting to look panicked now but started to relax as Roxy kept working the twins. Long story short by the time we got her down to my bedroom she was about ready to explode.
Some indeterminate time later as I lay pinned to the bed by two perfect pairs of tits I asked the lady cop a question “So what’s your name any way?”
She slapped me on the chest “Shouldn’t you have asked me that before you fucked me?”
“I was a little busy with your tits” I said grinning happily.
“My name is Jules” she said with a sigh “tell me do all assassins live this well” she asked as she looked around my opulent bedroom.
“Hard to say I’m the only one I know, but I would assume that all the good ones live well” I said.
“How is it you don’t know any other assassins?” she asked with a puzzled look.
“We don’t tend to form support groups to complain about how hard our jobs are” I said with a smile.
“Have you ever considered taking on an apprentice?” she asked speculatively.
“Have you seen the mechanic?” I asked.
“Yes, but Bronson wasn’t screwing his apprentice” she said while stroking me back to ready status.
“Are you sure? He was kinda pretty” I said smiling happily to myself. I had an awesome sense of humour, which the ladies in my life rarely appreciated.
I guess she was being tempted by the obvious wealth on display, people who say money can’t buy you happiness have no clue how the real world works.
People without money have bills they can’t pay, debt collectors bashing on their doors and ulcers. People with money have Lamborghini’s, Jet skis and trophy wives. And I ask you, have you ever seen a man driving a Lamborghini or riding a jet ski or getting blown by a blonde with giant tits who didn’t have a shit eating grin on his face?
After another round of hide the sausage with Roxy helping with fingers and tongue we went upstairs for dinner.
After dinner we hustled a giggling Jules back downstairs, I was starting to come around to the idea of having an apprentice and I knew Roxy wouldn’t complain about having another fuck buddy around.
Chapter Eleven
After breakfast and demonstrating the durability of my kitchen table to the girls I led Jules down to the armoury. As soon as we stepped inside her eyes bugged out “Holy crap on a cracker batman, are you some sort of gun nut or something?”
“No dear, we have to have to have the right tool for each job, as each job is different we need a lot of tools”
“Ok I can see that but a fucki
ng rocket launcher” she pointed at the tank buster on the wall.
“I don’t use that very often because of potential collateral damage but when a mark is travelling around in an armoured limo, then that is what is needed” I replied.
“What do you mean, collateral damage?” she asked.
“Ok here’s the thing, I’m an assassin, not a psychopath. That means I have a code, I don’t kill civilians or innocents. I do not kill police who are just doing their jobs” I said.
“Oh what about Detective Smithers and the Captain?” she said triumphantly.
“Dirty cops are fair game, and on that note after you make your first kill it might be said that you are a dirty cop. So you might want to consider resigning” I said.
“Shit, I was hoping to keep my other job” she sighed.
“I understand, but this” I waved my hands around the room “is a full time job, you really need to make a commitment”
“Ok, I’ll go in tomorrow and hand in my notice” she sighed again.
I gave her a hug of encouragement “If anyone asks, tell them you hooked up with a millionaire playboy and will be living a life of luxury and frequent sex from now on” I had started fondling her arse by now and she was wriggling happily in my arms.
“You are an evil man” she giggled.
After I had parked her cute arse on my workbench and molested the shit out of her she lay back on the bench with a smile on her dial. I went over to the wall and pulled down a 5.56 sniper rifle with a daylight scope, I grabbed a box of shells from the cupboard and dragged Jules up from the bench.
“What are we doing now? If it’s more sex I may need some ointment” she rolled her eyes at me.
“This is the fun part we’re going down to the range and fire a few rounds at some targets” I said smiling at her tits.
I guided Jules onto the elevator and down to the garden level where I had set up a shooting range, there was limited horizontal space in the silo so I had dug a tunnel out a couple of hundred yards to create the range.