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  It started to get dark a half hour later and we were both watching my tablet closely a few minutes later an enormous limo pulled up and four vamps got out and scanned the area carefully. It seemed my white noise generator was working as they didn’t give our hiding spot a second look after a cursory glance.

  A seven foot tall vamp climbed slowly out of the limo he was shrouded head to toe in a cape and whatever to hide how ugly he was getting. My shot was partially blocked by a tall body guard so I pointed at Jules then the body guard and she nodded in understanding. As soon as they turned away and started towards the doors we knelt at the wall, Jules fired first dropping the guard then I shot the king and we ducked down again to check our work on the tablet PC via the cameras.

  The king was obviously pushing up daisies as most of his head was missing, his three remaining guards were all spinning in place with their guns out looking for a target. Then two of them raced across the road towards our building. We quickly gathered all our gear plus the empty cartridges and hustled over to the stairs and down to the apartment, I double locked the door and we stood back with our guns ready in case they decided to kick the door down.

  I had my new pistol in my hand half hoping they’d try to get in so I could try out my new hand cannon. A little while later there was a banging on the door and someone rattled the handle, I had the white noise generator running still so they probably thought the apartment was empty and eventually moved on to scare someone else. I smiled at Jules put my finger over my mouth in the universal keep quiet sign then flashed her a thumbs up.

  She jumped into my arms and we headed for the bedroom, her first kill had made her super horny and she fucked me like a wild animal for an hour or so. As we lay in bed trying to catch our breath I checked the cameras, it looked clear but when I switched to infrared I saw some blobs in an alley and another in a doorway across the street. They were obviously waiting for us to leave, it looked like we’d be spending the night, I ran my hand over Jules gorgeous body and was quite content to do just that.

  Later we got up for a feed of Chinese and a beer, I rolled a joint as we sat on the couch naked and fooled around some more, she was still really horny and very affectionate. I got a call around midnight from Fangster “Are you at home yet Mr Sampson,?” he asked.

  “No we’re still hold up hiding from the watchers across the street” I said.

  “I see, I will speak to the new king he has already been crowned, we will have them brought home shortly” he said and hung up.

  I checked the cameras and a short while later a car pulled up and the watchers climbed in and were driven away. I decided to keep that to myself and carried Jules back to bed so I could explore all her secret places some more, we fell asleep in the early hours.

  Chapter Seventeen


  We woke up around mid-morning and packed up to leave. I checked outside to make shore we were still clear then up to the roof to collect my cameras and down to the street to get in our invisible truck.

  When we got home Roxy was already packed ready for our trip to the Bahamas, “Come on you two when do we leave? I’m ready” she was jumping up and down eager to get going.

  “Let me call our contact, I’m sure he will have everything ready” I called Fangster.

  “Ah Mr Sampson, I’m glad you called, there are some suspicions about who was responsible for the hit. I hope you are ready for your holiday”

  “Give me thirty minutes, then send the car”

  “It will be as you say Mr Sampson and thank you for a job well done” he hung up and Jules and I hurried downstairs to pack our bags then joined Roxy upstairs to wait for the limo.

  The limo arrived right on time as usual, Jules was squirming around in her seat obviously enjoying the feel of leather on her arse. I poured the champagne and the girls were soon giggling happily in the back I had Roxy in my lap and was getting into the whole holiday spirit with enthusiasm.

  I did up my pants as we pulled up next to the jet and we climbed out Jules was stunned I’d forgotten to tell her we flying vampire air. “Holy shit batman is this for us?”

  “Of course you’re travelling with a superstar baby”

  She rolled her eyes at me but eagerly climbed the steps to see inside, the stewardess was already half naked and waiting, Jules eyes bugged out as she was grabbed and tossed on a couch for the molestation to begin.

  Roxy quickly joined them stripping out of her short skirt as she went. I joined them with my pants around my ankles and the holiday started with a bang, actually there were a number of bangs but I lost count after three.

  We arrived in the Bahamas thoroughly fucked and tried to get ourselves straightened out for the trip to the resort. The stewardess joined us with a bag and said “The planes going in for a regular service, I’ll be joining you at the resort, hope that’s ok” she rubbed against me which I found very distracting.

  The vamps had booked a presidential suite for us with four bedrooms and one master bedroom which I snagged for myself straight away. As soon as we had unpacked we stripped down and hit the beach for sex in the surf, I think that might be a cocktail but soon lost all ability to think as the girls fucked me senseless.

  The girls loved playing with the dolphins, this was a feature of the resort and was very popular with all the guests.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Three Weeks Later


  Our holiday passed far too quickly, I slept the entire flight home while the girls said goodbye to Julia the stewardess on one of the couches.

  As soon as we got home I collapsed into bed and was sound asleep once more in a matter of seconds. I’d asked Roxy to go collect Sam for me as I was way too fucked to bother.

  The girls brought me dinner in bed then we all cuddled up for sleep.

  Chapter Nineteen


  After a late breakfast Jules and I pulled our laptops over to check our e-mails. Jules didn’t have any but I had a backlog of ten jobs. “Hey why don’t I have any mail?” she asked a bit on the petulant side.

  I pointed at myself then her “Master, apprentice”

  She pouted at me then scooted over to read my mail. Roxy was on her way out to take over her doggy business from her friend so we started to go through them together. Three went into the trash straight away, Jules didn’t ask why as I had briefed her on my rules. The first one I decided to do was another shifter, this time it was a gorilla. The council was offering double my usual fee if I brought him in alive, it seemed they hadn’t had any luck finding the hunters so wanted to interview a survivor. I was just glad it wasn’t a dragon shifter, even my tank buster would have trouble with that.

  I sent the file to the printer and we went to collect the sheets and run through the job. It would be a fairly simple job although we would need a better bait than a bunch of bananas. Probably use the same thing we had on the bear as this guy was attacking campers as well.

  I would need my biggest tranq gun, unfortunately I only had one of these so Jules would be my back up with the smaller gun in case he didn’t drop on the first shot. We had an early lunch then went out to the national park he was haunting to set the trap. We needed to be set up before dark as this giant monkey seemed to be most active around sunset.

  As soon as we had the camp site set up we took our positions Jules in the tree and me on the ground with a camo tarp wrapped around me. “Why do I have to be in the tree all the time” she pouted at me.

  “Because I love you and don’t want to see you hurt” I replied.

  She kissed me really hard then shimmied up the rope and settled in a fork of the tree.

  I sprayed myself with pine scent, hopefully the shifter would think I was part of the forest. Roxy my shifter expert said Gorillas had only one decent sense and that was smell. She said the spray would probably work and if not at least I’d
smell fresh when they buried me.

  There were times I could happily punch that woman.

  The sun was on the way down and my view of the forest was starting to get a bit iffy when we heard a roar from the shrubbery, an enormous monkey boy staggered out of the scrub and collapsed on the tent beating his fists weakly on the ground. This poor bastard looked like he was close to finished, I managed to get a dart into him but it only seemed to energise him, he stood up and started toward our tree. I fumbled another round out and had it half into the chamber when the rifle was wrenched out of my hands.

  He had two darts in him by now as Jules had gotten a shot off as well. I scrabbled out of range of those enormous paws when a third dart appeared in his shoulder and he started to sway and blink rapidly, I waited feeling a bit vulnerable when he finally fell to his knees then landed on his face.

  He immediately turned back into a tall naked human, the first thing I saw was three wounds on his back, one in his upper thigh one in his arse and the last in his shoulder. I grabbed my medipack from my belt, I never left home without it and started first aid.

  I slit the wound on his leg and squeezed out as much puss and poison as I could. It wasn’t a problem opening the wound up because as soon as the silver was removed he would start to heal pretty quick. I pierced the lid of a plastic water bottle with my scalpel and squeezed that inside the wound till it was running clean with fresh blood.

  I pulled the lips of the wound apart and could see the end of the slug, it hadn’t penetrated far, gorillas were incredibly strong and the dense muscle fibres had prevented it going deep. I yanked it out with my forceps then gave the wound a final flush before squeezing some antibiotic cream into the hole and binding it all up with a bandage.

  Jules was over packing up the campsite by the time I started on the second wound and it went the same as the first. I started on the last one but was having trouble locating the slug, I could see a nick on the bone so it had bounced off and disappeared somewhere hopefully close and not in his lung.

  I found it eventually as Jules joined me and dumped the gear and my twisted rifle next to his body.

  I’d need to visit that short pervert Wilhelm tomorrow to get the barrel replaced.

  “My ass hurts” she said while rubbing her bum. I hadn’t bothered to build a blind, I’d have to show her how next time.

  “Want me to kiss it better?” I asked.

  “Fucking pervert. . .yes” she said continuing to rub her backside.

  “As soon as we get home” I pulled her over for a quick kiss.

  “How’s the big guy doing?” she asked.

  “Just found the last slug” I wrenched it out and showed it to her “at least two shooters maybe three”

  “So two different calibres” she said as I held up the slug for her to see.

  “Yep, pass me the sleeping bag, I don’t want him to freeze to death on the way to the council house” I rolled him over onto his back on top of the sleeping bag and checked his front for wounds. He was clean, gorilla shifters are quiet and normally not aggressive. He had obviously been running away when these cowards had started taking pot shots at him.

  Jules gasped as I rolled him over “Holy fucking Christ on a bicycle dude, do all shifters have enormous junk?”

  “According to paranormal romance novelists they do, I always thought it was wishful thinking but maybe there something to it after all” Jules had her camera out and was snapping pictures of his groin.

  “What the fuck are you doing you perv?” I asked not quite believing what I was seeing.

  “Roxy told me to take pictures next time, she seemed rather interested” she said, smiling happily.

  Great this would no doubt end up as her new wallpaper and screen saver on her computer. We wrapped monkey boy up in the sleeping bag then added some tie downs in case woke up in a pissy mood.

  It took both of us to drag his huge arse over to the truck but we eventually had him loaded in back and were on our way to dump his giant arse at the council. Half way there I heard a thumping from the back, I pulled over and had a look. He was awake and glaring at me through the glass.

  I climbed out of the cab and went to talk to him he started in straight away “What the fuck is going on, are you some sort of serial killer? I have friends you know, they’ll find you and fuck you up” he was snarling and spitting at me.

  I held up my hands and said “Piece brother, you’re in no danger, you have my word on that. We rescued you in the forest, you were stuck in your alternate form and attacking campers” he looked confused for a minute then started to remember.

  “I was shot wasn’t I?’ he asked.

  “Yes three times with silver bullets, you went a little bat shit which is why the tie downs. Listen you seem to have all your brain cells firing in the right order, I’m going to release the tie downs, ok?”

  He sighed loudly “I’d appreciate that, any chance we could stop at the drive through? I feel like I haven’t eaten in a week”

  “Sure thing buddy, there’s one just down the road” I tossed the tie downs in the back and he wriggled around and got more comfortable. We pulled into the drive through and I ordered a shitload of burgers and fries and three giant shakes. I parked in a spot near the entrance and went back and handed him a couple of bags of greasy badness.

  “Thanks buddy, where we going anyway?’ he asked around a mouthful of burger.

  “I’m taking you to the council” his eyes went wide at that, most folks were a little wary of the council seeing as how only the most powerful supernatural’s were invited to join.

  “Don’t sweat it buddy, they’ve been searching for these hunters for some time and need to talk to you about whatever you can remember” I said.

  “Ok, I’ll start trying to put it together” he started to relax.

  “Cool, my contact in the council is a good guy, he’ll have you back with your family as soon as possible” I said.

  He was fully relaxed now and continued to chow down on what was probably his first meal in a week.

  We made it to the council’s mansion in the country and I helped him down from the back of the truck, he was still a little weak from his ordeal but recovering fast after his meal. He let the sleeping bag drop to the ground and stepped towards the mansion, Fangster came out and welcomed us “Mr Holmes, you are looking much improved sir’

  “I can feel my wounds knitting even now” he responded.

  Jules was behind him taking more photos of his dangly bits which she could see quite clearly from the rear.

  “Please come inside, we have food prepared and a physician to check your wounds, we need to hear everything that you can remember about your wounding”

  “Sure your guy told me you were having trouble finding these assholes, I think I may be able to help there” the shifter said.

  “Excellent news” he led the shifter inside and turned to speak to me at the door “once more you have our gratitude Mr Sampson, I will be in touch soon”

  We made it home in short order and down to the kitchen for a snack, my snack ended up being Jules arse as she bent over the kitchen table and dropped her panties, she looked at me over her shoulder with her pouty face on “You promised”

  With a sigh I sat down and started kissing then licking, after she had screamed out her release she sat down in my lap for a kiss and a cuddle. “Love you daddy”

  “Love you too baby cakes” I carried her downstairs to bed and we cuddled up with Roxy between us and fell asleep to sleep the sleep of the just.

  Chapter Twenty


  I was cooking up a load of beans on toast in the kitchen, the girls were giggling over Jules phone when the Fangster popped in sitting in a spare chair with his legs crossed.

  “Hey Fangboy, how big’s your cock?” Roxy asked in a loud voice.

�You should know I am happily mated” he said with a raised eyebrow.

  Roxy waved that away “Not really interested dude, just wondering if vamps are like shifters” she turned her laptop towards him and showed him her new wallpaper.

  “Very impressive I am sure, but vampires are somewhat more human normal, many of us were human once after all” he said.

  “Shit, that’s disappointing, the paranormal novelists all say you guys are supposed to be hung like mutant donkeys” she pouted.

  “Fascinating I am sure” he looked over at me “good news, the gorilla was able to give us a description of his assailants, we have teams searching the local towns even now”

  “Good news indeed, have you decided what you are going to do with them when they’re cornered?” I asked.

  “We are currently thinking along the lines of a drunken hunting accident” he said with a small smile.

  “Make sure you question them closely, this may be only the beginning” I said.

  “Of course, I will let you know how it turns out, ladies” he tipped his hat at the girls and disappeared in a puff of smoke with a final wink.

  After breakfast Jules and I had a look at our next job. Another greedy mobster, this one was being fingered by his own boss, it seems he had been touching the bosses money with sticky fingers.

  We’d need to search his house carefully to see if we could pick up a bonus cheque.

  I sent the file to the printer then asked Jules “I need to visit Wilhelm, wanna come with?” I asked her.

  “Not really, but I guess I need to learn how to deal with the little pervert eventually” she sighed.

  “That’s the spirit” I laughed “might help if you put some pants on and maybe a bra” I said anticipating the worst.

  She hustled off to get dressed more appropriately and we climbed into my truck that still had the bent rifle sitting in the back.