Assasins Code Read online

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  I found some deer sign almost straight away, this was a non-hunting area and while they still got the occasional poacher the wildlife was still quite plentiful. I dropped my bag under a tree pulled out the tranquiliser rifle and loaded a dart.

  I stalked further into the forest and quickly found a small doe in a clearing, I shot it in the arse, it looked at the dart a bit stupidly then dropped to its knees. I went back and grabbed my bag. I pulled out a stake, some rope and my hammer hatchet so I could tether the bait.

  Once the deer was ready I walked back and collected my duffel, I walked back to the edge of the clearing and tossed another rope up and over a strong branch well up in a tree. I tied my duffel to the rope and climbed up the doubled up rope and settled into a fork of the tree. I pulled up my duffel and got busy hammering the planks into place so I would have somewhere comfortable to sit. Once the planks were in place I pulled out a cushion and sat my old arse into place and got ready for a long wait.

  It was a half hour or so after sunset when I heard some noise from below, I looked down with my night sight and saw a pair of glowing eyes halfway up the tree below me. Fucking bastard how did he know I was up here? I pulled the trigger and blew his face off, he dropped to the ground and lay very still.

  I started pulling my blind apart and lowered everything down to the ground before climbing down. I went over to release the deer who was frantically pulling at the stake and trying to get away. I pulled it into a head lock and slipped the rope off its neck then released it so it could scamper away no doubt happy to be alive and not some wolfs dinner.

  I went back and started loading the stiff which was fully human again into a body bag, I took my small shovel and scooped as much of the brains and bones as I could find and shoved that in with the body before zipping it all back up. Hopefully what was left would assumed to be a mountain lion kill or some such.

  I carried my duffel to the truck then went back for the body, I needed to deliver it to the council for disposal as I didn’t feel like digging a grave tonight and the council was concerned about bodies being found and their unusual DNA being tested. I tossed him in the back and covered the body bag up with a tarp and some bricks to stop it blowing away.

  I was halfway to the councils mansion in the burbs when I spotted police lights behind me, shit some bored nosy cop. I reached down under the dash and pulled out my tranquiliser pistol from the hidden compartment and slipped it under a newspaper on the seat as I pulled over to the side of the road.

  I shut down the engine and rolled down the window as I saw the copper coming up in my side mirror, he had his hand on his pistol so I guess he was a little nervous, as he should be.

  He leant down and looked into window “License and registration please sir” I handed over the documents and asked.

  “What’s this about officer?”

  “Never mind sir, please wait here while I run these through the system” he wandered back to his car.

  Arsehole, just rousting not so innocent citizens going about there illegal business.

  When he came back he was looking a bit disappointed, my alias was clean I never went out without good documents. He stopped at the back of my car and lifted the tarp I grabbed the pistol on the seat and got ready. He pulled his pistol out as soon as he saw the body bag, I rolled out of the truck and stood up and shot him in the face.

  He dropped almost immediately with a somewhat surprised look on his face. I went over and collected my documents, I would need to hack the police database when I got home to remove the search he had done, a lot cheaper than buying new documents.

  I swiped his badge and his gun, I had a couple of badges at home and knew they were handy to have when I was on a stakeout, you never know when a beat cop was going to tap on your window. The gun was useful as a disposable I could leave it at a crime scene and shift suspicion onto someone else.

  I tossed my pistol and docs back into the truck then dragged the cop back to his car, I sat him in his seat and unzipped his pants then jammed his hand into his crotch. With a bit of luck his sergeant would come looking for him when he failed to check in and find him in a compromising position.

  There was no chance he would remember me, the dart was filled with a mix of basic tranquiliser and a potion I’d bought off a witch that would wipe the last twelve hours from his memory, wicked cool stuff.

  I climbed back in my car after reloading the pistol, knowing my luck the roads would be full of bored cops, I continued on to the council headquarters. As I pulled up out front of the mansion two vampire enforcers came out and glared at me, “Private property, kindly drive on sir” one of them growled at me.

  I pointed over my shoulder with my thumb, “Special delivery fang face” he growled at me and went to look.

  “Who is that?” he asked as he came back to my window.

  “Werewolf shifter called Markus something or other, big bounty on this one”

  He waved his hand in front of my face “You have already been paid, you may drive home content that you have completed your task” he grinned at me.

  I held my hand out and made like I was choking him “You came out too close to the planet Admiral” I said in my best imitation of James Earl Jones.

  He snarled at me, ha ha arsehole I’ve got a ward against vampire mesmerism, then my regular contact Fangster came out of the mansion “What was that about?” he asked as he approached the car.

  “Your buddy tried to mesmerise me out of my bounty” I replied.

  He pinched his nose “I seem to be apologising to you far too often” he sighed “I will have a short sharp conversation with him as soon as we are done here”

  I didn’t envy numb nuts his upcoming conversation with Fangster.

  “Cool, that’s the rogue werewolf in the bag I’ll be off, my girlfriends cooking dinner”

  “Very good Mr Sampson, your money will be deposited as usual, I want you to know you are one of our most reliable and appreciated contractors, this incident will be dealt with in a suitable manner” I waved goodbye and drove home smiling happily.

  I dumped most of the gear in the garage and took the weapons down to the armoury, I’d clean them in the morning. I headed up to the kitchen to see if that lazy cow had bothered making my dinner.

  As I stepped off the elevator I smelt something yummy coming from the kitchen, Roxy was cooking up a storm in high heels, fishnets and a sexy apron. I stood there for a few seconds appreciating the sight of her arse as it twitched at me then sidled up behind her for a kiss and a fondle.

  Dinner went very well and the sex afterwards was pretty awesome as well, we fell asleep in each other’s arms quite content with our lives.

  Chapter Seven


  We woke up mid-morning still wrapped around each with my hard on poking at Roxy. “So” she asked as we started our morning fuck session “how was work yesterday?”

  “It ended up ok, but nearly went pear shaped” I replied.

  “What happened?” she asked as she started sliding up and down.

  “I covered up my scent with bear piss and pine scent but the fucking werewolf still found me in the tree” I said with a gasp.

  She slapped me round the head “I can’t believe you still know so little about the supernatural world” as she tried to pound me through the mattress.

  “What do you mean?” as I thrust upwards.

  “Werewolves can sense life energy, you probably looked like a giant dog biscuit sitting in that tree” she started going faster as her orgasm approached.

  “Oh” I said somewhat stupidly as I clutched at the sheets and watched her enormous tits slapping me around the face.

  As we lay there enjoying the afterglow she said “In future we need to discuss these jobs before you set off and try and get yourself killed”

  “Sounds like a plan baby” as I stroked her b
ack and squeezed her arse.

  We spent some extra time in the shower washing each other’s naughty bits, then stepped out to dry and dress. “In the spirit of our new arrangement, what can you tell me about witches?”

  “While they’re relatively easy to kill her home will be well warded with alarms and she’ll undoubtedly have an escape plan”

  “Ok so move fast, don’t hesitate” I said.

  “Oh and if she starts waving her hands about and mumbling then shoot her in the face. Or you’re liable to come home as a large talking slug, and I probably won’t let you in”

  I gave her a kiss on the nose and fucked off to collect my pistols.

  I stripped down my hunting rifle and cleaned and oiled it before reassembling and placing it back on its rack.

  The tranq gun was pneumatic so only needed a wipe down before stowing.

  Up in the garage I looked at my collection of vehicles and chose the Cobra to take out for a run, I parked across the street from the witches’ house, as I stepped around to the trunk I saw a curtain twitch in the house. I moved quickly and pulled a set of spike strips from the trunk and ran across the road to lay it in her driveway, as soon as it was in place she crashed through the garage door in bright pink Mercedes convertible.

  She hit the spikes and swerved into an oak tree in the front yard, I walked over and pulled her out of the car. I was having second thoughts about killing her she was cute as a button with a great rack to boot.

  “Why?” I asked her.

  She was crying by now making it even harder to kill her “Why what” she sobbed.

  “Why have you been selling love potions to those rapists at the college?” I continued.

  “Rapists” she gasped “they told me they wanted to marry their sweethearts” she said indignantly.

  I guess she was a little naïve “Sorry sweet cheeks but they have been causing havoc at the college fucking anything with tits” I pulled a handkerchief out of my pocket and wiped her tears away.

  “So the council sent you?” she asked.

  “Yes they are less than pleased with having to clean up this mess, right now they are cleaning memories and making a group of boys impotent” she giggled.

  “They’re lucky they aren’t getting their throats ripped out” she said.

  “Listen, I don’t think you were being malicious when you sold those potions so I’ve decided not to kill you” I told her.

  She sagged against me in relief squashing those magnificent tits into my manly chest, I rubbed her back then gave her arse a quick squeeze to test the waters.

  She wriggled against me and looked up at me “Would you like to come inside?” she asked.

  “Yes I would” as I gave her another stroke and a squeeze.

  Later as we were catching our breath in her large bed I said “I want you to wait twenty four hours so I can tell the council I’ve given you a pass then you will need to approach them and let them know you are willing to do a penance”

  “Will they listen to you?” she asked.

  “Yes I have some influence with the council and they owe for some past fuckups on their part, I’m certain they will let you off with a warning” I replied.

  I carried her into the shower where we fucked some more till she was a lump of jelly in my arms and I put her back in bed with a smile on her dial. I dressed and kissed her goodbye with a promise to check up on her soon. She gave my cock a goodbye squeeze and I left with a bit of a boner to collect my spike strip and drive home.

  Roxy was waiting for me in the kitchen eating as usual “How’d it go baby?”

  “I gave her a pass, she wasn’t doing anything malicious or deliberate” she came over and sniffed at me.

  “Damn it you fucked her didn’t you?’ she snarled at me.

  Damn shifter senses “In my defence she has really nice tits” I said with a cheeky grin.

  “You should have called me, I like tits too you know” she gave me the stink eye.

  “You can come with me when I check up on her in a couple of days” I said hoping for forgiveness.

  “Ok, but how are you going to make it up to me in the mean time?” she asked with her frowny face on.

  I thought about it for a moment “How about I let you push the button on the gangster tomorrow” I said.

  She squealed happily and jumped into my lap for some kissy face time.

  She wasn’t upset about my wandering penis, she was a big cat shifter she couldn’t even spell monogamy let alone tell me the meaning of the word. She was more upset about missing out on some naked fuck fun.

  We had an early night but I got up around midnight to steal the gangsters car so I could set up his car bomb in the morning.

  I crawled back into bed after picking up dickheads car and snuggled up to Roxy who had mostly forgiven me.

  Chapter Eight


  Roxy left fairly early to tend to some of her doggy clients while I slept till noon trying to get my energy back from all of yesterday’s wild sex.

  I got up, showered and went up to the kitchen for lunch, I tossed some left over pizza in the oven I’d had in the freezer and sat down to check my laptop for new messages. Crap no rest for the wicked. I’d have a closer look at these after the gangster was done.

  After lunch I rode up to the garage to start work on the gangster’s car, I pulled a swivel chair over and sat there swinging back and forth as I rolled a fat dooby.

  Probably not the smartest move to smoke weed before playing with high explosives but I’m a bit of a cocky bastard and wasn’t overly concerned.

  There were a number of options for the bomb location, the door the seat cushion the seat back and the air bag were the obvious choices I sat there for a few minutes trying to decide while I got baked.

  I eventually decided on the airbag mainly because I hadn’t done that before and wanted to see the results and also because I knew Roxy would appreciate the mess.

  The steering wheel was angled so the blast would hit him square in the face so he’d be sucking Satan’s big red cock before he knew what hit him. I started by disassembling the steering wheel and removing the airbag, I did this very carefully as I didn’t want to get punched in the face by a bag of air.

  Airbags came in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, I took this one over to my workbench and sat it on a plate of quarter inch steel so I could trace the shape with a piece of chalk. I tossed the bag in the trash for later disposal and carried the plate over to my oxy acetylene rig so I could cut out the shape.

  Once I had the shape cut out I ground off any excess slag and sat it back on my workbench. I took a roll of two inch thin steel strip and wrapped that around the shape then cut that off with some tin snips. I used the tig welder to fasten that into place so I had a cup which I started working the plastic explosive into till I had an inch thick layer on the plate. A bit of an overkill, but I had plenty so erred on the side of caution.

  I bought my C4 from an arms dealer in South Africa who bought it from the manufacturer in the Czech Republic which made it hard for forensics to trace. Importing was pretty easy as I had a vampire associate I paid to poof over there and collect it for me. He was also responsible for picking up my weed supply from my Jamaican dealer. I had a plot of weed growing on the garden level but it was still a couple of months from being ready. Those funny talking bastards grew the absolute best dope around.

  I cut out a small square of explosive from the centre and put a thin layer of plastic back in the bottom. Then I inserted the detonators, I used three for redundancy then attached the digital receiver and trigger mechanism. I layered some more plastic over the top of that and smoothed it all out.

  You see most bomb makers have a signature, some tied little sailor knots in their wires others just had a specific way of laying out the components. My signature was that I h
ad no signature, I left no components or bomb parts for the police to masturbate over, everything was destroyed in the blast so as is my way, no evidence. My police file had me labelled as Mr Clean, cute.

  I poured in a layer of quarter inch ball bearings then wrapped it all up in cling wrap to hold it all together. I placed it back into the steering column and put the horn back in place and I was done and dusted.

  I started the car and drove back to the gangster’s house I had checked my camera I had left across the street and knew he was out doing gangster stuff so I parked the car in his drive and left a note of apology to stroke his ego. He would assume I had found out what a tough guy he was and be all, yeah I’m bad, I scare car thieves.

  I pulled my moped out of his trunk and rode home to collect Roxy and my surveillance van. Roxy was down on the garden level playing fetch with Sam so I gave Sam a belly rub then gave Roxy the same.

  I tossed my giggling girlfriend in the pool and joined her for some floaty sex. Later we dressed and I poured a well satisfied shifty into the van. We parked down the street from the house and climbed in back to wait for the dead guy to show up.

  We fooled around till an alarm from my surveillance system let me know someone had arrived. I pulled my face out of Roxy’s tits and checked the monitor, excellent our friend had arrived, “Where’s the button baby?” Roxy asked looking around the van and rifling through one of the drawers.

  “You still got that big bang app on your phone?” I asked.

  “Oh right” she whipped out her phone and opened the custom app. It immediately started scanning for receivers, after a few seconds it showed one receiver about a hundred yards away, Roxy selected that one then waited with her finger poised over the bang button and looked at me expectantly “So where’s the bomb?” she asked.