Assasins Code
Assasins Code
Stephen Ashby
Published by:
Light Switch Press
PO Box 272847
Fort Collins, CO 80527
Copyright © 2019
Printed in the United States of America
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All rights reserved solely by the author. The author guarantees all contents are original and do not infringe upon the legal rights of any other person or work. The views expressed in this book are not necessarily those of the publisher.
Chapter One
I opened my eyes and looked at my tablet PC, the clock app was still running, amazing it hadn’t crashed.
Eleven am Wednesday, shit I hate Wednesdays.
I sat up and planted my feet on the floor, first things first reach back and scratch my arse. Next reach forward and scratch Sam between the ears, he had no doubt been waiting since day break for me to wake the fuck up and fetch his breakfast.
He laid his giant head in my lap so I could give him some more attention. After a few minutes of stroking his back which made me feel a little better about getting up I grabbed a smoke from the bedside table put my reading glasses on and picked up my E-reader.
I pushed Sam aside “Sorry feller but I really need to take a piss” I sat down on the shitter with a groan, fuck I hate getting old. I read a couple of pages of my book while my bladder slowly drizzled out a pathetic stream of piss.
When I was done I patted my dick dry with a square of toilet paper and went out and put on a robe, I led Sam to the elevator and pressed the button for the kitchen level. I was living in a decommissioned missile silo so I had ten levels to choose from, I had the elevator installed when the arthritis first reared its ugly head, it had two sets of buttons one normal set for me and a larger set down low for Sam.
Labradors are a very clever breed of dog and it didn’t take him long to get the hang of using the elevator. I’d put pictures of each level on his buttons because as clever as he is he still can’t read.
We arrived in the kitchen in short order and I stepped over to the cupboard to get Sam’s bowl of cornflakes ready. Once he was busy with a face full of milk and cornflakes I started my cheese omelette, once it was ready I sat down with a large latte and enjoyed my first meal of the day.
I pulled my laptop over and checked the security protocols were showing safe, all good as usual so I opened my encrypted e-mail and checked my message queue.
I had four new messages from my murder pimp, about par for the course, the first one was for a twelve year old girl which went straight in the trash. Apparently she had witnessed a gangster doing something awful, too fucking bad for the gangster, I don’t kill children, everyone needs a code of conduct. Even coppers needed one so they would arrest the crims rather than just shoot them in the balls saving the taxpayer a lot of money.
Oh and coppers were also on the no kill list so the second one went in the trash as well, I don’t kill people for simply doing their jobs. This guy had been marked because he wouldn’t take a bribe, of course if he had taken a bribe he’d be fair game.
By now Sam had finished his breakfast and jumped into his bed for a nap, lucky bastard. I sent a reply to Joshua my pimp and said ‘You know my code, if you send me another one of these you’ll be receiving a sternly worded letter bomb in the mail’.
I took a break to make a new latte and sat down again and skimmed the third message, this one looked more promising. A dirty politician, I do love killing parasites. Then I saw Sam scratching at his arse again speaking of parasites note to self, remember to give him a flea and tick bath soon.
I sent the politicians file to the printer and had a glance at the last message, ah crap as much as I would like to give this one the flick I knew I couldn’t. Unfortunately the creepy council was not to be ignored.
I went over to the printer and collected the sheets, I pinned them to my murder wall, it was a bit like the one the police used but with a different outcome. The first thing I checked was the method required, accidental death was specified, while this was quite common it always took a bit of ingenuity to make it convincing without collateral damage.
This guy was unaware his life was about to end because he kept to a predictable routine. Any normal person in fear of assassination made sure to vary their travel routes and times so as not to become predictable.
I considered a traffic accident but could see no way to do it without killing his driver, then I saw he made a stop at a coffee shop every day and sent his driver in to fetch his coffee. Ok this had possibilities I checked the surrounding businesses and was very pleased to see a diamond broker above the coffee shop. Yes this would work out perfectly it would be a bit road runner in execution but it was certain to give me a laugh so it was decided. I gathered my burglary tools and some computer hacking gear and finally a pound of putty and a package of thermite.
I didn’t need to empty the safe just damage it to the point that they would need to replace it. Of course if I left the premises with a bag full of diamonds I wouldn’t complain very much.
I headed downstairs to shower and dress then up to the top level which housed my collection of cars and bikes. The assassin’s trade was well compensated and I liked to collect go fast stuff.
I left all my gear in the garage on a work bench, I wasn’t worried about Sam getting into it all as this was the one level he didn’t have access to. I kicked my beaten up old Honda into life and went over to pull on my jacket helmet and gloves.
While the Honda looked like a bag of shite the engine and running gear were anything but. It was about as anonymous as you could get, people rarely gave it a second glance. Although it could easily keep up with most modern rice rockets, I’d bought it because it was a classic, I’d hidden a fuel injection system under the tank and it went like stink. Fast enough to outrun a police cruiser, which I had proven fairly recently. Sadly this necessitated changing the plate and hacking the transport database to register the plate in one of my aliases and of course to my bike. Not a cheap undertaking but well worth the expense.
I checked the oil temperature gauge and sat down before rolling the bike off the centre stand and lowering the ramp via my wrist computer to the outside world. I rode up taking it easy until the bike was fully warmed up before opening it up and riding down the back roads headed for the city.
I parked the bike in an alley opposite the coffee shop and strolled to the entrance, I looked around from the shadows and saw I was going unnoticed. I pulled out a set of binoculars and checked out the brokers. They had their own set of stairs outside and I could see an alarm box at the door, it was one I was familiar with and already knew the backdoor code to disable it.
This was going to be fairly easy so I went back to my bike and took off for my favourite diner and a late lunch. After one of their awesome burgers and a thick shake I headed home to give Sam his much needed bath. After Sam had shaken himself off and given me a dirty look and fairly messed up my bathroom and myself I hustled him outside and sent him down to the garden level to take a crap and roll around in the grass.
I had a quick shower then headed to bed for a nap before my burglary tonight. The alarm woke me up at eleven thirty that gave me half hour to reach the city and fuck up the safe. I was still dressed after my earlier shower so went straight to the garage to start my bike and collect my tools.
I reached the city a few minutes before midnight and parked m
y bike in the same alley as before.
I waited for ten minutes at the alley entrance and watched the street carefully, there was no traffic and no pedestrians around so I pulled my balaclava down and ran across and up the stairs, I quickly punched in the override code and kicked the door in. I wasn’t worried about evidence of a break in as what I was about to do to the safe would make that glaringly obvious.
The safe was in the front office so I dragged a chair over and sat down, I pulled out the putty and made a cup around each hinge and at the points where the locking bars entered the casing. I stuffed a length of fuse into each cup then poured in the thermite. I had a look at the ceiling and spotted a smoke detector so I knocked that off then after twisting the fuses together in the centre I pulled out my lighter and lit the fuse. I went over to the office computer and inserted a USB drive in the front slot and waited till it had loaded my malware, I pulled out my tablet and checked I had access. I could have hacked in but I was a bit of a lazy bastard and would take any shortcut I could.
Just then I heard a loud thump from behind me I turned to see the safe door lying on the shag carpeting. Oh well might as well take the diamonds as a bonus, it would be rude not to and more than a little suspicious if I left them behind.
I poured the stones into my messenger bag then fucked off home to give Sam a pat and have a late dinner. Sam was a little pissed at me about how late his dinner was but I knew he had a short memory for things like that so wasn’t unduly worried. I knew he’d forgiven me when he came over to sponge some of my dinner off me, I let him have the fatty bit I’d cut off my steak and put the plates in the dishwasher after scraping them off in the compost bin.
I had a quick look at the diamonds under the microscope and saw they had serial numbers laser engraved on each one I checked. I knew a guy who could get those polished off and replaced with new numbers so wasn’t overly worried. The price I would get would be a little lower but the stones were a bonus anyway so fuck it, drive on.
I headed for bed after watching Sam settle into his bed and read a couple of chapters before falling asleep.
Chapter Two
In the morning I checked my feed from the diamond brokers and saw they had called the police and already ordered a new safe. Excellent I love it when a plan comes together. I hacked my way into the safe suppliers site and checked the order, it was scheduled for next day delivery at ten am. That was no good so I changed it to eight thirty delivery so I could drop it onto the politicians head when he arrived, like I said road runner all the way.
I made a mental note of which crane company was lifting the new safe into place and hacked into their website next. Shit, they had arranged an older model crane without remote control option so I changed that to a later model unit. I wrote down the serial number of the crane and started the somewhat laborious process of taking control of the crane, it took a little while but finally I had full control of the crane so I logged out after making a note of the passwords they had used.
Now I just had to wait for morning, I spent the morning in bed, Sam had joined me so we read my book while I smoked a couple of joints then fell asleep till lunch time. I fed Sam first as I could hear his stomach growling from across the room.
I grabbed some roast beef from the freezer and made a roll with hot mustard and cheese, I sat down with a large latte and finished in no time at all. I looked down at my belly and figured I’d better hit the gym and then grab a shower. After working up a sweat I swallowed some ibuprofen and some pain killers for the arthritis then hit the shower.
I decided a nap would be a good reward so flopped down on my bed and fell asleep in seconds. I woke up when Roxy my occasional girlfriend jumped on top of me and started rubbing herself all over me. She was a panther shifter and had a habit of marking what she felt was hers with her scent.
We spent the evening doing naughty things to each other before she demanded I feed her, shifters had very fast metabolisms and needed feeding on a regular basis. We headed up to the kitchen without bothering with clothes, I planned on using the kitchen table for something other than eating later.
After I had fed the beast a couple of steaks with a couple of baked spuds I fucked her on the table which we both enjoyed thoroughly then headed to the bedroom for an early night as I needed to get up early for work.
Chapter Three
I woke up to the alarm at seven and headed straight for the shitter with my cigarette and e-reader. After finishing my business I heard the shower running so stepped in to help Roxy wash the twins, Mother Nature had been rather generous in that department and it was definitely a two person job.
After a long soapy shower shag we stumbled out and dried off, Roxy asked “So why are you up so early today?”
“Got a job on baby” I replied.
“Cool can I come?”
I thought about it for a minute, it would help me blend in so “Sure, but remember we need to be discreet so no jumping up and down and squealing in delight”
She rolled her eyes at me but forbore to comment. “I’ll follow in my van so I can go to my first client after Ok?”
Roxy had a dog washing business that was doing pretty well so I quickly agreed.
We had spent a bit long in the shower so we went straight to the garage, I planned on getting breakfast at the diner on the way home. I jumped into my old ford pickup, yet another invisible vehicle with extreme power and race bred suspension.
I took it easy on the way to the coffee shop so Roxy could keep up in her beat up old van and we both parked in the alley opposite the shop. I set my alarm which was silent but deadly, it consisted of a double strengthTaser connected to the door handles, I had little to no patience for car thieves and was quite happy to leave them twitching in the street.
Of course man traps are illegal so I could only use it where no one could see the results.
Roxy joined me at the alley entrance and I placed her arm in mine and strolled down the street, anyone who looked our way was staring at Roxy’s tits so I was free to plant my cameras where I needed them. I wanted some different angles on the crane as I was only going to get one shot at this and needed to line up the drop perfectly.
We made it back to the alley where I pulled out my tablet and checked my camera feeds, the crane was already here and just hooking up to the safe. The senator was due in ten minutes so the timing looked about perfect. I opened the remote control software for the crane and made ready to take control, Roxy was watching everything I did and finally asked “So who is getting the treatment today?”
“Dirty politician” I replied.
“Are you sure he’s dirty?” she asked with a cute frown.
“Two pregnant underage interns and a well-padded bank account that can only be explained by bribes, so yes fairly certain” I said with a grin.
“Bastard, please tell me you’re going to drop that large metal box on his head” she said with a maniacal grin.
“Beep, beep, road runner baby” I said with my own maniacal grin firmly in place.
She laughed and we waited for Senator Asshat to show up, the crane operator was just lifting the safe up when the senators driver double parked and rushed inside to get his lord and master his morning coffee, I quickly took control of the crane and slewed it slightly so it was over the top of his limo, I checked my other angles made a fine adjustment then released the cable drum brake and watched as the safe plummeted down and through the roof of the car.
Then I saw Roxy had been videoing the whole thing on her phone and laughing gleefully. “For fuck sake keep it down you idiot, I don’t need someone noticing you giggling like a loon”
She shut up but continued to film and smile happily. The driver came out and saw the top of the safe sticking out of his car and reached for his phone with a shake of his head.
Enough fun and game
s time to fuck off and get breakfast, I grabbed Roxy’s arm and we went out to collect my cameras, never ever leave any evidence behind, that’s an important rule in assassinations. Once that was done I spoke to Roxy “I better not see that video on your my face page or there will be trouble”
“Nah, I’ll probably show it to Julia but otherwise I’ll keep it to myself”
“Good girl, if anyone asks you were watching them lift a safe into a shop when it suddenly dropped for no apparent reason”
I gave her a kiss when we got back to the alley and she went over to her van after giving the teenage punk a kick in the nuts who was twitching next to my car.
After disabling the alarm via my wrist computer I went over and rolled him out of the way so I could get in and drive to the diner. After a big plate of pancakes I headed home, I knew Sam would be waiting for his breakfast so I ordered a serve of bacon and sausages to go, hopefully he wouldn’t bite me for being late with his food.
He gave me the stink eye as soon as I got in but forgave me pretty quick when I dumped a load of bacon and sausage in his bowl. I sat down with my laptop and checked my security before opening my encrypted email, there was a message from Joshua it said ‘Sorry about sending those to you but I have my own code as well and must send all requests to you even when I know you will reject them out of hand’
Sam came over and stuck his big head in my lap for a pat so I typed one handed ‘Just kidding about the letter bomb, you should see the demise of the senator on the news soon’ I hit send. And sat back to wait and see if he was at his computer.
He came back a few seconds later ‘Already hit the news, sadly no-one has any film of the event’
I typed in ‘Contact Roxy she has the whole thing on her phone, broker a good price for her or the letter bomb is back on’
‘Ha fucking ha’ he sent back ‘I love that big titty shifter as well, she’ll get a nice little nest egg for that’